Success Stories: Hope

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“One year. One single solitary year. 

I guess it’s a pretty big deal that I lost 120 lbs 🤷🏼‍♀️, but what’s even more important to me (I can’t even believe I’m saying this and that I actually believe it to be TRUE), is that I figured out what self love truly is. 

Self love is not downing a bottle of wine and a pizza because you had a stressful day at work and you “just can’t today.” Self love is not splurging on a bag you’ve had your eye on even though you really can’t afford it because you ”deserve it.” Self love is not skipping your work out because you will “just do it tomorrow.” 

I’ve learned to really love myself by fueling my body the way it needs. By giving myself grace. By setting my intentions daily and living meaningfully. By doing what I NEED to do even if I don’t WANT to do it. None of the excuses like, “work sucked today” or “I’m having a bad week” have power over me anymore. I’m too in love with my health, physically and mentally, to move anywhere but towards my goals. 

I was so ready for this. I was 1000% ALL IN. If you’re ready like I was to truly love yourself again, do this!! You won’t regret it!”