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♥ Every person that I work with becomes a part of my heart. ♥

I share in their journeys and celebrate each and every milestone with them. While so often the physical changes are the most obvious, the mind and spirit transformations that occur are just as powerful. I encourage you to take a moment, read each of these stories and join me in celebrating ALL of their successes.


“One year. One single solitary year. 

I guess it’s a pretty big deal that I lost 120 lbs, but what’s even more important to me, is that I figured out what self love truly is. 

Self love is not downing a bottle of wine and a pizza because you had a stressful day at work. Self love is not splurging on a bag you’ve had your eye on even though you really can’t afford it because you feel you deserve it. Self love is not skipping your work out because you will just do it tomorrow.

I’ve learned to really love myself by fueling my body with what it needs. By giving myself grace. By setting my intentions daily and living meaningfully. By doing what I NEED to do even if I don’t WANT to do it. None of the excuses like, work sucked today or I’m having a bad week have power over me anymore. I’m too in love with my health, physically and mentally, to move anywhere but towards my goals. 

I was so ready for this. I was 1000% ALL IN. If you’re ready like I was to truly love yourself again, do this!! You won’t regret it!”


“For the last 30 days I’ve been doing a little experiment....

I would not consider myself overweight but have been STRUGGLING! I’ve been feeling sluggish with my workouts and have had zero energy after being at the gym and the salon all day. For so long I’ve been active in the gym and working hard to stay healthy but was using the excuse of being too busy to think about my eating habits! I was going hours without food, living off chips, nuts, and crackers in between clients just to fill the hunger. I’ve been in survival mode and simply didn’t make myself a priority. 

A client of mine had been telling me for over a year how this program changed her life so I finally decided to try it. Since I started this program, my energy is improved, I’m more calm and my workouts have increased!

I recognize I was clearly malnourished! Today, just 30 days in, I feel energized, I feel strong and I feel amazing! I’m 52 years old and I FEEL and look better than I did in my 30s!!!!”


"It was 2014 and I just finished a 1/2 marathon and exercising to maintain my weight was clearly NOT working.

I ate organic food when I could, ate foods with 5 or less ingredients, and ran 2-3 times a week. My blood pressure was regularly elevated and my energy was so low I took a nap everyday. Then, I started working with Candice and I:

  • lost 40lbs in 3 months. Then gained 10lbs of muscle.

  • Shifted my goal from being THIN to being HEALTHY.

I am heading into my 5th year of working with Candice. I will NEVER give up on pursing the BEST version of MYSELF and helping others do the same."



I spent most of my adult life the size of the guy on the left…

I lost 65 pounds in 5 months. The picture on the RIGHT shows where I am today!

I'm now in the gym 4 or 5 days a week. I'm looking forward to playing softball for the first time in 20 years. Why? Because I can! It's so much easier without the extra weight I was carrying around.

Right now I'm in the best health of my adult life. By summer, I hope to lower my body fat percentage and continue to drop a few additional pounds.

Not bad for a guy at 59, right?

- Larry


Seeing him shrink before my eyes, I decided to start the program myself and haven’t felt this great in years…

Earlier this year we were in the midst of learning that my husband could be predisposed to heart disease. I had been worried about him for a while. We had both gained alot of weight. He was not sleeping well, was always tired, and had aches and pains. We had tried other diet plans, but couldn't stick to it and the weight crept back up.


I reached out to my friend and coworker who is a health coach to help my husband. I planned to continue to try with Whole Foods and be his support because I was going through allergy testing.   My husband rapidly showed results, he was sleeping better, was more energetic in the late afternoon. Seeing him shrink before my eyes, I decided to start the program myself and haven’t felt this great in years. Initially I was private about my journey but I kept seeing people that I love struggling with their health. I saw that I could help them. Over the last few months I learned so much and I have decided to became a health coach myself! At first I didnt think I really had anything to offer but I started to loose a few pounds, and could see the transformation of my husband.

I realized that this program is more about health and wellness than a diet plan. It taught us healthy habits that we could easily implement in our lives and it has been easy and fun to do it as a family. I work in the medical field and helping people is what I do. Now I can do it as a Health Coach too.

We recently met with my husband’s primary care physician and she was knowledgable of this program and enthusiastic about it. His blood pressure and all of his blood work showed improvement because of his weight loss. We are thrilled. This has been quite a journey, almost a reawakening.

- Patty

Now it’s your turn!