For all you moms out there surviving on coffee, goldfish and left over kid’s scraps this is for you....


For all you moms out there surviving on coffee, goldfish and left over kid’s scraps this is for you....

The days are long but let me tell you from experience that if you don’t stop to take care of yourself, the ship WILL sink. Remember before kids? Maybe you don’t. It’s a huge shift in identity and we all forget ourselves.

My goal is to remind you that you are so important and deserve to take care of yourself too. Instead of going 8 hours without real food or a bathroom break and drinking a bottle of wine at night as a reward for making it another day, what if you just ate better and took a little time for yourself during the day (even if it is just 5 minutes)?

Trust me, your family will benefit and appreciate it!

This program taught me how to do this and made it so freaking easy. I followed a straightforward plan with little prep and lost 40 pounds, cleared my head, detoxed from sugar and processed food, increased my energy, improved my sleep and still feel amazing (usually) 4 years later.

You know what? Life is fun again! I like how I feel emotionally and I’m not constantly obsessing about how my clothes fit and let me tell you that that FREED up ALOT OF BRAIN SPACE right there! 😂

Take stock of your day and be mindful of YOU! You are worth it!